Pumping and Storing Your Milk

How you pump and store human milk depends on how soon you want to use it. If you are unable to directly breastfeed your baby, it’s important to remove milk during the times your baby normally would feed. This will help you continue to make milk.

Ways To Express Your Milk by Hand or Pump

Click below to learn more about the different ways to express milk.

Storing Your Milk

Human milk can be stored in:
*Never store human milk in disposable bottle liners or plastic bags that are not intended for storing human milk.

Storage Location and Temperatures

Up to 4 Hours

1-2 Hours

Use within 2 hours after baby is finished feeding. After two hours, leftover human milk should be discarded.

Up to 4 Hours

1-2 Hours

Use within 2 hours after baby is finished feeding. After two hours, leftover human milk should be discarded.

Within 6 months is best.
Up to 12 months is acceptable.

NEVER refreeze human milk after it has been thawed.

Use within 2 hours after baby is finished feeding. After two hours, leftover human milk should be discarded.

Before Expressing or Handling Human Milk


Tips For Freezing Milk
Tips For Thawing and Warming Milk

Safely Clean Pump Equipment

Sanitize for added safety:

Sanitize pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush at least once daily after they have been cleaned. Items can be sanitized using steam, boiling water, or a dishwasher with a sanitize setting.

Sanitizing is very important if your baby is less than 3 months old, was born prematurely, or has a weakened immune system due to illness or medical treatment.