How is feeding going?

What do you like about your child’s eating?
What don’t you like?

Is there anything you would like to be different?

Your preschooler wants to please you, so you can make him eat. However, he will eat best when you do your jobs with feeding and let him do his. You plan, prepare, and serve the meal. He eats — or doesn’t eat. Don’t ask him what he wants you to make — that’s your job. Don’t get pushy. Eating is his job.

Here is what to do—and not do—when you feed your preschooler:

Have meals. Have them about the same times every day. Give sit-down snacks at set times between meals.

Don’t wait for him to say, “I’m hungry.” Don’t let him eat on the run. Don’t let him eat or have drinks all the time, except for water.

Sit with him and eat your own food. Be good company

Don’t just feed him instead of eating with him. Don’t give him all the attention. Don’t ignore him. Don’t watch TV during meals or snacks.

Let him serve himself and eat his way; fast or slow, much or little, 1 or 2 foods.

Don’t pile food on his plate. Don’t make him taste everything. Don’t make him clean his plate.

Let him serve himself and eat his way; fast or slow, much or little, 1 or 2 foods.

Don’t pile food on his plate. Don’t make him taste everything. Don’t make him clean his plate.

Teach him to behave so you can have a nice meal. Excuse him when he is done.

Don’t put up with bad behavior or make him stay in hopes he will eat.

Teach him to behave so you can have a nice meal. Excuse him when he is done.

Don’t put up with bad behavior or make him stay in hopes he will eat.

Make food you enjoy and expect that sooner or later he will learn to eat most things.

Don’t make him taste or eat to please you.