
What have you heard about eating for pregnancy?

What have you heard about gaining weight?

Do other people tell you to eat certain foods?

Do others tell you to avoid certain foods?


Taking care of your family, starts with you. Your baby, your pregnancy and your delivery will all be better if you feed yourself well. You don’t have to eat in special ways when you are pregnant, but you do have to eat! You don’t have to gain a lot of weight when you are pregnant, but you do have to gain weight! Have regular meals, eat food you enjoy, eat as much as you are hungry for, and trust your body to gain the amount of weight that is right for you. Growing a healthy baby and keeping yourself healthy are both very important jobs.

Here is what to do—and not to do—to take good care of yourself with your eating:

Have meals with food you enjoy. Learn to cook easy and tasty meals.

Plan ahead. Know you will get the next meal—and the next!

Eat both good and good-for-you food. Sneak up on new food and learn to like it!

Eat until you feel satisfied. Stop. Do it again the next meal—and the next!

Let your body gain as much weight as it needs to.

Drink milk. Learn to like milk if you can.