The idea of breastfeeding more than one baby may seem overwhelming at first, but the benefits are well worth it. Many moms of multiples find breastfeeding easier because there is nothing to prepare. A lot of mothers successfully breastfeed more than one baby even after going back to work or school.
Talk to WIC, your healthcare provider, hospital, or local breastfeeding center and ask for help with:
It helps to have each baby feed from both of your breasts. Switching sides helps keep your milk supply up if one baby isn’t eating as well as the other baby.
You can do this by:
Assigning a breast to each baby for a feeding and switch at the next feeding
Assigning a breast to each baby for a day and switch the next day.
How it works
Use your hand to gently massage and compress your breast to remove milk.
What’s Involved
Average Cost
Side-Lying Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cross-Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Clutch or “Football” Hold
This hold is useful when:
Cradle Hold
This hold is useful when:
Laid-Back Hold
This hold is useful when: